Ben Hsu



Blog · Essay
Laws, Morality, and US

In the early 2000's I was making my first attempt at a 4 year college degree when someone forced some pamphlet sized literature on me. Those of you who've been to the more traditional 4 year colleges know it's not unusual for people to hand out (or force into the hands of) random pamphlets, magazines,…

Blog · Essay · Nonfiction
A Quick Guide to Critical Thinking OR How to Spot Bullshit

I recently had a couple of conversations that greatly disturbed me. One was with my former illustrator, Elaine Tipping, who mentioned that they'd never been formally taught qualitative reasoning, or the scientific method, and the other with my girlfriend, who seemed both impressed and surprised by the fact that I research and link to various…

Blog · Essay · Nonfiction

I'd like to talk to my more conservative/centrist friends. Namely: what does it mean to be a conservative and specifically a Republican. I've been doing a bit of hunting and fact gathering, as well as searching my memory for the good ole fashion values my school system taught while I was growing up, and I…

Blog · Essay · Nonfiction
Pick Your Side

"You're either with US or against US," has been a popular phrase for longer than most of us care to remember. And why not? It's short, catchy, and readily fools you into thinking the speaker has completely summed up the issues at hand. I first encountered the above variant of the phrase (with the word…

Blog · Essay · Nonfiction
I Hate Monopoly

Monopoly is a terrible game. I know this opinion is becoming much more popular of late, but I think it bears repeating: Monopoly is a terrible game. Yet for some reason, I played an absurd amount of Monopoly when I was a kid, in after school clubs (glorified daycare), at friends' houses, with any family…

Blog · Essay · LGBTQ · Nonfiction
On Voltron and the LGBTQ+ Community.

I recently finished watching season seven of the new Voltron series on Netflix. Overall, I liked it; it's a far cry from the heavily merchandised cartoon in the 1980's. The cast is interesting, the plot is engaging, and the writing is pretty tight. Overall, I think the show is an excellent example of what media…