Blog · Essay · Nonfiction
Kickstarting Your KickstaterBy now, everyone knows about Kickstarter (and similar crowdfunding services). These crowdfunding services are so ubiquitous that a simple Internet search for "Kickstarter" is going to yield pages and pages of results on how to set up, organize, and run your kickstarter. They'll list groups you can get in contact with, tell you to broadcast…
Blog · Essay · LGBTQ · Nonfiction
Are They Harming Anyone?It's an argument I hear (read) about the Straight Pride Parade being organized in Boston, "Are they hurting anyone?" Admittedly, it's mostly coming from 20 something year old, edgelord wannabes prancing about on 4chan. But they are people of voting age and I think it's important to honestly answer their obviously rhetorical question. Plus, I…
Blog · Essay · Nonfiction · Political
So You Think You're OppressedBeing oppressed sucks, hardcore. You are taken advantage of, dehumanized, and very often spend your days fearing for your life. Being oppressed means you've had your basic rights as a human put in jeopardy. No one wants to be oppressed. But everyone wants to claim they're oppressed. Counter-intuitive right? Sadly not at all. Our society…
Blog · Essay · Nonfiction
If I Had a Billion DollarsCongratulations! You are now one of the proud, few billionaires in the world. I dunno how you did it, maybe you started a tech company, maybe you inherited your wealth from dear, old dad, maybe you were just super lucky and won the lottery. Whatever happened, you now have a billion dollars. That's $1,000,000,000.00 in…
Blog · Essay · Heavy Handed Parable
Pizza Time! (A Math Problem)A math problem for you all (in multiple parts): A company (Unified Sales Associates) has 1216 employees: 1000 Low Level Workers (office and factory workers, accountants, salesmen, etc). 200 Upper Level Managers (Vice Presidents and the people directly below them). 16 Top Tier Managers (President, CEO, Board of Directors). Hiring is only done through nepotism…
Blog · Essay · Nonfiction
An Open Love LetterHere's to you, you crazy few, you proud and pure, stubborn and stalwart few. Here's to how you go against the grain, stand up for what you believe in against all adversity, and stick to what you know is right, no matter what. I'm jealous of you, and I raise my glass to you. So…