Fantasy · Fiction · Flash Fiction · Heavy Handed Parable
The Power of Thoughts and PrayersHigh up on the hill overlooking The Village lived a wealthy merchant. He had worked hard to become as wealthy as he was and often spent his time bragging about his wealth to the villagers below. For their part, The Villagers were annoyed by his boasting, but took it in stride. After all, he had…
Fantasy · Fiction · Short Story
The Darkness and The LightI finally found her nailed to an oak. It always amazes me what lengths humans will go through to torture one another. Her blood and tears mixed together as they ran down her bare body, forming and reforming little rivulets, inlets and streams. Near where the cold iron spikes drove themselves through her ankles and…
Fantasy · Licensed Heroes · Script
Licensed Heroes Scripts 17-20Comic 17: Panel 1: Tempest is sitting at the order counter for the bakery. Put an obvious clock/sundial/timer in the corner of the panel so the audience can clearly see the passage of time. He's trying to be a good son, but clearly very bored. Tempest's Father(Off panel): Tempest! I'm heading out to make some…
Fantasy · Licensed Heroes · Script
Licensed Heroes Script 13-16Comic 13: Panel 1: Tempest at his Landlord's office bargaining for an extra month's rent. The office is seedy and grimy, the whole thing looks borderline to a slum lord's office. The Landlord himself is large and dirty, and mostly unsympathetic as Tempest makes his pleas. Tempest (Trying to convince the Landlord, knowing he sounds…
Fantasy · Licensed Heroes · Script
Licensed Heroes Scripts 7-12Comic 7 Panel 1: Tempest working at Vic’s Potion and Used Equipment Emporium as a greeter. He’s wearing the uniform, and has his faux smile on. He’s greeting a young pair of adventurers (1st level female warrior, 1st male mage). Tempest: Hello! And welcome to Vic’s Potion and Used Equipment Emporium. Let one of our…
Fantasy · Licensed Heroes · Script
Licensed Heroes Script 1-6Comic 1 Panel 1:Tempest has just gotten out of a Medieval Graduation Ceremony (caps and gowns and all that, but with a distinctly dark ages bent), he’s riding high and happier than anyone really has a right to be. Tempest (Super happy): At long last! My official degree in heroing! Panel 2: Tempest is in…